Tuesday 19 March 2013


Today i would like to look at a very interesting topic that will live you asking yourself which player are you?

The first one are the type of players WHO DON'T KNOW WHATS HAPPENING in their lives, those are the kind of people who don't know were their lives are going and they don't know what they want to do with them. These are the kind of people who sit at the corner all day long and do njothing productive with their lives.

The second type of players are the ones that WANTED WHAT IS HAPPENING when we talk about this type of people we are talking about the type of people who want opportunities to come to them, some of them once tried and failed and now they are using that as an excuse and they are forgetting that in life there are no failers. Failing doesn't make you a failer but refusing to try again does even Bill Gates never gave up when his friend passed all his exams and he failed all his look at them today Bill Gates is a Billionaire and his friend is a Millionaire.
Lastly the are players those WHO MAKE IT HAPPEN in this case I talk of people who go out there and work their butts off for something these are the kind of people who don't believe that opportunities should come to the but they go out there and find the oppotunities, they face whatever life throws at them because they understand that if life throws a brick at them, they don't give up but they  start a foundation of a double story.

Monday 18 March 2013


Sometimes we all wish life came out with a manual but it didn't and that's just one of the many things we have to accept that we just can't change them. It would be a great if we could design our own lifes the way we have always dreamed of them to be.............. like finding your prince charming ladies and finding that perfect sexy woman you want.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Im not here to brag about my life but im here to give a helping hand and im not here to try and change your life but im here to help you make decisions like choosing a pair of shoes and deciding what you want to wear on your date tonight. welcome to your life guide